
The Best Peanut Butter Recipes

I don’t know about you guys but nothing brings me comfort at times quite like sitting down and munching down on some snacks, specifically a PB&J sandwich. If you’re a fan of Peanut Butter like we are here at Metro-Flow Plumbing then we’d like to wish you a very Happy National Peanut Butter Day (January 24th). Today we’re going to share some of our favorite peanut butter sandwich recipes and also why you shouldn’t wash peanut butter down the drain. The answer is simpler than you think.

Smooth or crunchy? What’s your favorite way of consuming the peanut buttery goodness we grew up on? Peanut butter owes its creation to a number of people through the late 1800s. You might’ve thought no way, I thought it was George Washington Carver. So did I! Today we’re both learning something new. Although credit goes to Carver more often than not, what he actually did do was develop literally hundreds of ways to use peanuts. He was a pioneer in his field of agricultural science, peanut butter or not. 

Let’s get right to it though, you’ve made yourself a PB&J and your butter knife is covered in peanut butter. Just do your drain a favor and go to town on it instead of rinsing it down the drain. The problem is peanut butter contains a lot of fats. Healthy fats mind you, but fats nonetheless. When fats are washed down a kitchen sink without enough water they will stick and solidify. Overtime, this will cause your drain to clog and drain very slowly. Other products that contain this are a wide variety of dairy products such as cheeses and meats for obvious reasons. If your drain is clogged, trust us you don’t want to use the over the counter cleaning products that will damage your drain overtime. Give Metro-Flow Plumbing a call at 214-328-7371. We’ll be more than happy to assist as well as check the status of your home’s plumbing if you’d choose to.

Now that we’ve covered that little tidbit, let’s get to the good stuff shall we. Below you will find 3 of our favorite sandwich recipes containing peanut butter! Simplicity is key with these!

Apple Peanut Butter Sandwich

Ingredients: 1 apple, 2 slices of bread, and of course Peanut Butter.
Directions: Core and cut an apple into thin slices. Spread peanut butter over one slice of bread and make sure that it’s spread thick so the apple slices stick. One layer is sufficient so there’s no mess. Top with another slice of bread and enjoy!

Grilled Peanut Butter Sandwich

Ingredients: Peanut Butter and 2 slices of bread.
Directions: We’ve had grilled cheese sandwiches before but what about grilled peanut butter? Heat a pan or skillet over medium heat. Spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread and place the second slice on top. Easy enough. Now butter both sides of the sandwich on the outside and place on the skillet until golden brown. Enjoy! If you want to add jelly, it takes it to another level!

Banana and Peanut Butter Sandwich.

Ingredients: 1 banana, 2 slices bread and peanut butter.
Directions: Slice one banana into thin slices. Spread peanut butter on both slices of bread, be generous with it so the banana slices don’t go anywhere and stick. Place banana slices on the peanut butter on the bread and close it up with the other slice of bread. For a more flavorful (but messier) experience add honey. Enjoy!

We hope you enjoyed celebrating National Peanut Butter Day with us! Remember to pace yourself eating these delicious sandwiches and of course be kind to your plumbing. Don’t wash down foods with too much fat (that includes peanut butter) and your pipes will love you in the long run. Check back with us next month for another edition of our blogs.

We here at Metro-Flow Plumbing appreciate your support Dallas! We have your back for any of your plumbing needs! Give us a call at 214-328-7371 today. Our plumbers are ready to assist you!

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